Business Profile

Company Introduction Video
History of hamada syuzou
Business Profile
Name of company
4-1 Minatomachi, Ichiki-kushikino-shi, Kagoshima, Japan
Tel:+81 0996-36-5771
Shochu distilleries
4-1 Minatomachi, Ichiki-Kushikino-shi, Kagoshima, Japan
Tel: +81 996-36-3131
17-7 Nishisatsumachi, Ichiki-Kushikino-shi, Kagoshima, Japan
Tel: +81 996-33-5222
Satsuma Kinzangura
13665 Noshita, Ichiki-Kushikino City, Kagoshima Prefecture, japan
Tel: +81 996-21-2110
Branch office
Tokyo office
Nihonbashi Honcho Square 3F, 1-2-6 Nihonbashi-Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, japan
Tel: +81 3-3271-2070
Sendai branch
Room 303, Kearney Place Sendai Ekimae Dori, 1-5-28 Honmachi, Aoba-ku, Sendai, japan
Tel: +81 22-796-2156
Nagoya branch
Galden Heights II 1F, 2-6-5 Sawakami, Atsuta-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, japan
Tel: +81 52-253-6477
Osaka office
Hiranomachi Yachiyo Building 7F, 1-8-13 Hiranomachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka, japan
Tel: +81 6-6231-8600
Kyushu office
Tenjin Linden Building 5F, 3-14-31 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture, japan
Tel: +81 92-738-1810
Kagoshima branch
4-1 Minatomachi, Ichiki-Kushikino-shi, Kagoshima, Japan
Tel: +81 996-36-3129
Detailed Overview
Business description
Shochu production
Number of Employees
350 employees as of April 2013
1868 Founded
1951 Reorganized into a company
CEO Hamada Yuichiro
Company credo
Revere heaven, love mankind.
Corporate philosophy
Be an independent and self-motivated company where we all strive to improve our minds.
Use your energetic, courageous and hard-driving mind to make yourself and the people around you happy.
Creation of five values
1 Character of value—Hone your skills.
2 Colleagues of value—Work hard together.
3 Company of value—Contribute to society.
4 Work of value—Grow and prosper.
5 Reward of value—Be well off.
We explore the popularity and cultural aspects of Honkaku Shochu and enhance the commercialization of related businesses. Furthermore, in good balance, we raise Honkaku Shochu to the status of true traditional alcoholic beverage made in Japan and one of the most preeminent alcoholic beverages in the world".